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Yuchai Sales Conference 2015-Marine & G-Drive Engines held
Strive for terminal sales of 30,000 units

From January 25 to 26, Yuchai Sales Conference 2015-Marine & G-Drive Engines was held in Guilin. Under the theme of "Striving for terminal sales of 30,000 units", the conference comprehensively summarized marine power operation in 2014, analyzed and discussed the market trend of the marine power industry, and set job objectives and the sales target of 30,000 units in 2015. The conference also released new products and commended outstanding customers. Present at the conference were corporate leaders including Yan Ping, relevant staff of the Marine Power Division, as well as over 100 representatives of marine power distributors and OEMs.

In 2014, the Marine Power Division of Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. (Yuchai Machinery) organized the system of the marine power sector, significantly adjusted its internal structure, integrated product R & D, manufacturing, sales and supply, and accomplished systematic management, so as to achieve initial effects of the divisional system. Also, the division invested heavily in product R & D, perfected the product spectrum, achieved substantial sales growth of 6C/6T series, and effectively launched new marine engines such as 6CD and 6TD in volume. Amid the industrial slump, the division's sales volume and sales were up 6.5 percent and 16 percent year on year respectively. In fierce market competition, the market share of Yuchai's marine power brand reached 25 percent, up 2 percent year on year.

"100,000 units, 3.6 billion yuan" is the five-year target of the Marine Power Division after the establishment of the divisional system as well as the important content of Yuchai Machinery's second startup. Yan Ping, chairman of Yuchai Machinery, spoke highly of the performance of the marine power sector in 2014. "Yuchai Machinery's market share increased slightly, the corporate structure, benefit and scale tended to benign development, and the marine power sector is particularly praiseworthy," he said.

In 2015, the marine power sector will continue to enhance its market competitiveness with a focus on the strategic policy of "team innovation and lean operation; aligned R & D and standardized matching; striving for terminals; overseas breakthrough and professional service". Besides, the Marine Power Division will make great efforts to consolidate the Southeast Asian market, develop and march towards Europe, increase the number of sales regions from 8 to 10, and constantly perfect its sales network and improve its professional service, so as to achieve the sales targets.

Yan required that the Marine Power Division must constantly introduce professionals and go out to learn from advanced enterprises. The marine power sector must draw external strength for technical development and employ advanced strength to cultivate its team, stick to internationalization and make its product competitiveness up to advanced international standards. Marketing channel development is arduous and must advance with the times, the division should fully realize the huge energy of marketing channels, initiatively develop channels, and make great efforts to reform and perfect channels. The division should make policies transparent, and forge fair and just partnerships with distributors and OEM customers to establish united cooperative teams.

Also, he expected the Marine Power Division to further straighten out its systems, functions and orientation, and conduct effective operation to bring its role into full play; and required that the division's leading body should advance work with the idea of reform and keep going to achieve new success.

The conference unveiled YC12VC generating power. The diesel engine was newly developed based on the mature combustion development technology of the 6C platform and AVL's consultation and design results. In V-shaped design, with a displacement of 79.17L and a power range of 1,120-1,680kW, featuring electronic unit pump and independently developed ECU technology, the engine is desired power for 1,000-1,500kW onshore generating sets and 7,000-8,000t carriers, liners and engineering vessels.

Also, the conference presented outstanding distributors with the Excellence Award for Outstanding Distributors, the Contribution Award for Outstanding Distributors, the Award for Marketing Excellence and the Award for Credible Distributors.

(Liang Pingping)

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