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Yuchai Machinery's 43 projects win Guangxi awards for achievements in advanced processes,tools and equipment renovation

Upon review by the Industry and Information Technology Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GXIITC), the projects winning the awards for achievements in advanced processes, tools and equipment renovation have recently been unveiled. As a result, 43 projects of Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. (Yuchai Machinery) made the list, 10 more than 2013.

In 2014, Yuchai Machinery's engineering technologists engaged in processes, tools and equipment studied and explored projects in depth in such aspects process innovation, tool improvement and equipment renovation, and organized project declaration. Upon review by a GXIITC-organized expert panel, the company's 43 projects were awarded, including 4 winning the first award for achievements in advanced processes and tools, 12 winning the second award and 16 winning the third award; 2 winning the first award for achievements in equipment renovation, 3 winning the second award and 6 winning the third award. The project of "developing the aluminum alloy cylinder cover of the high-strength light-weight V-shaped engine" implemented by the Manufacturing Technology Department won the first award. Based on the demand for the light weight of the new product, the project used the iron-to-aluminum technology to independently develop high-strength aluminum alloy materials and optimize the structure of the cylinder cover, thereby ensuring quality and light weight.

(Kang Yuxia)

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