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"Seeing confidence from enterprises"--serial report: Yuchai's transformation and upgrading under way

"Capable enterprises never fear China's economic growth slowdown," Yan Ping, chairman of Yuchai Group, stressed, adding that a group of backward industries will be eliminated in the baptism of economic policies for mode transformation and structural adjustment, and a new mode of economic growth will appear more vigorously.

A micro-blog legal person interview group of traditional media themed "Seeing confidence from enterprises" and organized by the National Internet Information Office has recently visited Yuchai Group. As the head of a large-sized state-owned enterprise with annual sales revenues of over 40 billion yuan, Yan was confident of the future of manufacturing.

China's intelligent manufacturing is the only way of transformation and upgrading

According to sources, the China Manufacturing 2025 plan being drafted will place "preferentially advancing manufacturing digitalization, networking and intelligence" on the top of the "eight actions" of manufacturing transformation and improvement to adjust to global industrial reform. This is also a major development direction of China's manufacturing in the coming decade at the national level.

Regarding this, Yan said how manufacturing keeps pace with the development of the era of intelligence is a problem any enterprise must think about and face, because the era of intelligence based on informatization has come.

"For example, it took 210 seconds to bring an engine offline previously, but the time has reduced to 180 seconds now. Actually, our objective is to build a world leading engine manufacturing line in three years. The leadership relies on intelligence," Yan said in the interview.

At Yuchai's workshops, the reporter saw the extensive application of various types of intelligent manufacturing equipment and technologies such as robot and 3D printing. The company has built "Data Center", "Yuchai Private Clouds" and "Disaster Recovery Center" integrating "two sites and three centers"; and advanced design and manufacturing datamation to improve its information application level.

Strengthen internal building, train talents and innovate for a bright future

At the premier symposium in April 2013, Yan spoke of industrial overcapacity prevention as a representative from the machinery industry.

Regarding this, Yan said overcapacity is very serious according to the actualities of manufacturing. This is a problem accumulated in the country's fast development over the past decade. Thus, mode transformation and structural adjustment is the general trend of economic development and Yuchai is following the trend and constantly improving its operation efficiency and management level. The key to mode transformation, structural adjustment and industrial transformation and upgrading is advancing the technology innovation and management innovation of the enterprise.

"Yuchai has transformed the mode and adjusted the structure in the following aspects: I Strengthen internal building: Yuchai  has advanced organization adjustment, and strengthened flat management and department communication to improve management efficiency; has built a lean operation system to enhance its core competitiveness in such aspects as R & D, procurement, production and marketing; II Gear practice to international standards: Yuchai has quantized indicators, learned from and overtaken foreign advanced enterprises to continuously advance its internationalization process; III Build a new industrial city: with construction of Yuchai New Industrial City as carrier, Yuchai has initiated the second startup to promote corporate transformation and upgrading; IV Conduct continuous innovation: innovation is the inexhaustible power and eternal subject of Yuchai's development. To promote and continuously ensure its innovation ability, Yuchai has made great efforts in such aspects as innovation culture formation, innovation system establishment, innovation platform building and innovation talent training," Yan said.

500 years outweigh top 500 enterprises

"Yuchai places greatest emphasis on cultivation of corporate core competitiveness, for me, top 500 enterprises outweigh 500 large-sized enterprises and 500 years outweigh top 500 enterprises," Yuchai told the journalists.

Thus, Yuchai initiated the "second startup" at the end of last year, in which Yuchai will ensure the group's transformation and upgrading and the accomplishment of the strategic objective based on a group of key projects.

Take Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. for example, in the coming two or three years, it will restructure its R & D system and manufacturing system, comprehensively update its existing product spectrum, develop and manufacture more competitive products in the European and American markets. Besides, new energy power will be another key development direction of Yuchai. It is believed that there will be more and more engines made in China and by Yuchai abroad in the near future.

(Guo Liang/

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