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2008 China's top 500 Enterprises released, Yuchai ranks 257


Certification of Top 500 Enterprises of China's Manufacturing Industry

Certification of Top 500 Enterprises of China

The conference to release the China s Top 500 Enterprises of 2008 and the China s large business was held on August 30 -31 in Yinchuan . More than 400 entrepreneurs and their representatives together with experts and scholars attended in the conference. Chairman of Yuchai Group Yan Ping , attended the conference as a special entrepreneur, and accepted an exclusive interview with reporters of Xinhua. The conference was organized by the Chinese Enterprise Confederation and Chinese Entrepreneurs Association. It was hosted by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Government and co-hosted by Yinchuan Government.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up of China . Over the past 30 years, large domestic enterprises have made remarkable achievements. Based on today reality and look to the future, there are some many uncertainties such as  the global financial turmoil, the global economic slowdown, the coming of high-cost era and challenges brought by the environmental resource constraints and the opportunities of China 's industrialization, information technology, urbanization, marketing and internationalization. To promote the reform strategy, create competitive advantage, enhance international competitiveness and achieve higher level of development in areas of business ethics, management, development, business model, institutional mechanisms are the challenges to the China 's large enterprises. During the conference, a large number of business leaders such as Li Deshui, Li Xiangyang , Yang Du, and other well-known experts and scholars had deep discussions with leaders from the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Information Industry, the SASAC, and other ministries.

Yan Ping pointed out that in 2008, the overall enterprises in China expanse rapidly; The asset of the smallest enterprise of China's top 500 is 9.31 billion Yuan, an increase of 2.09 billion from the previous year; The asset of the smallest enterprise of China's top 500 manufacturer is 43.9 billion Yuan, a rise of 1.41billion from the previous year; The asset of the smallest enterprise of China's top 500 service enterprise is 980 million, up by 260 million from the previous year. Yuchai ranks 257 in the China s top 500, rises from 269 of last year; and in the manufacturing sector, it ranks 135, up from 142 of last year. That shows a rapid and sound development of Yuchai.

Yan Ping also pointed out that "Yuchai has been able to achieve remarkable performance due to corporate restructuring strategy, corporate culture reform, technological innovation and improved corporate governance. Confronted by future challenges and opportunities, Yuchai had set the goal of international development. Its a long way to go, so we must double our efforts. "

In the afternoon of 29, Yan Ping attended the internal entrepreneurs symposium.

According to the schedule of the meeting, the press conference of China 's top 500 and the analysis were firstly held. The former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, President of the Chinese Enterprise Confederation Wang Zhongyu delivered a joint report on the main subject. Then, the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, vice executive president of Chinese Enterprise Confederation Wang Jiming, announced the Top 500 Enterprises of China , Top 500 Enterprises of China's Manufacturing Industry and Top 500 Enterprises of China's Service Industry.

 author:  Xiao cheng               Source: China Automobile News                                         

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